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Special Education Degree Requirements 2023-2024

The special education ABS major is available only through the AU* program. This major is ideally suited to people who are currently working in schools with K-12 special education students. Students must complete field experience requirements in K-12 special education and general education mainstreamed settings as part of course and program requirements; field service requirements are during the regular school times and calendar year.

A graduate-level licensure option is available through AU*. Licensure is obtained through a combination of graduate and undergraduate credits.

Major and Licensure Requirements

Special Education Major

Non-departmental core courses – These requirements should be taken during the first year or sophomore year; many of these courses will also fulfill liberal arts requirements:

  • ENL 111 – Effective Writing II
  • HPE 115 – Chemical Dependency Education
  • MAT 204 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (MPG 3 prerequisite)
  • AIS 105 – Introduction to American Indian Studies

Required Education Courses for ABS:

  • EDC 200 – Critical Histories and Philosophies of Education
  • EDC 220 – Educational Technology
  • EDC 310 – Learning and Development in an Educational Setting
  • EED 314 – Transcultural Literacies: An Introduction to Language and Literacy

Students must be admitted to the licensure program  to take courses beyond this point.

  • EED 350 – K-6 Methods: Mathematics
  • EED 360 – K-6 Methods: Science
  • ESL 320 – Introduction to Linguistics for Teachers
  • EED 425 – K-6 Language and Literacy Methods: Critical Applications for the Elementary Classroom
  • EDC 375 – Learners with Dis/abilities
  • SPE 410 – Implementing Assessment Strategies
  • SPE 411 – Etiology and Theory of Mild to Moderate Disabilities
  • SPE 415 – Theory to Practice
  • SPE 425 – Transition and Community
  • SPE 430 – Instructional and Behavioral Practices
  • SPE 490 – Parent and Professional Planning
  • EDC 481 – Student Teaching: Initial License for Undergraduate Students
  • SPE 489 – Teacher Performance Assessment and Student Teaching Seminar

A minimum GPA of 2.50 overall, 2.50 in the major, and grades of P in student teaching courses are required for licensure as well as C- or better in all required core and education major courses.

Graduation Skills

Graduation Skills in Critical Thinking (CT), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Speaking (S), and Writing (W) are embedded throughout the offered courses and are met by completing the major.

Transfer students must consult an advisor about potential adjustments to their course requirements to fulfill each of these skills.

Special Education Minor

The Special Education minor requires six courses (five plus one prerequisite psychology course) that encompass an interdisciplinary perspective on the field of disability. The minor is designed to fit the needs of students in various disciplines interested in disability issues. This minor is available through the weekday program.

Required courses:

  • EDC 375 – Learners with Dis/abilities
  • EDU 491 – Practicum and Seminar in Special Education
  • PSY 105 – Principles of Psychology
  • SOC 231 – Family Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
  • One of PSY 250, PSY 252, or PSY 253
    • PSY 250 – Child Development
    • PSY 252 – Adolescent and Young Adult Development
    • PSY 253 – Aging and Adulthood
  • One of PSY 357, PSY 359, SOC 265, or SWK 301
    • PSY 357 – Behavior Analysis
    • PSY 359 – Assessment
    • SOC 265 – Race, Class and Gender
    • SWK 301 – History and Analysis of Social Policy

Interested students should contact the director of Special Education at the outset of coursework

For a complete list of courses and descriptions, see the Course Description Search.